You can find all of the feedback you’ve left for sellers in your Feedback profile. From there, you can also follow up, make changes, or add comments to feedback you’ve left.

Are you a seller looking for information on feedback? Read our article on viewing and responding to feedback left by a buyer

Once you’ve left feedback, you won’t be able to edit or delete it. If you’d like to add extra information to your original feedback, you can leave a follow-up comment. If you’d like to change the negative or neutral feedback you’ve left, you can ask the seller for a feedback revision.

How to follow up on feedback you’ve left

From time to time, you may want to follow up with some additional context or information on feedback you’ve already left. You can leave one follow-up comment on each item. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Feedback left for others.
  2. Select Follow upnext to the item number.
  3. Write your follow-up comment.
  4. Select Leave Follow-up Comment.

Keep in mind that leaving a follow-up comment doesn’t change your original comment or rating.

Once you’ve submitted positive feedback for a seller, you can’t change it to neutral or negative feedback.

How to respond to a revision request

If a seller would like you to revise your feedback, we’ll send you an email with all the details. You’ll then have 10 days to either:

  • Revise the feedback– Select Accept request in the email and we’ll guide you through the process of changing your rating and comment. When you revise or remove feedback, your original comments will no longer be visible on 4Bike
  • Decline the request– Select Decline request in the email and state your reason for doing so. If you’d like to keep your reasons private, select I don’t want to share the reason with the seller

We’ll send you a reminder if you haven’t responded after 7 days. Revision requests expire after 10 days and the feedback won’t be changed if you haven’t responded within that time.

Top Takeaway

If you want to revise your feedback, you can contact the seller and ask them to send you a feedback revision request.


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