We want to make sure that buyers have a great experience when shopping on 4Bike, so we try to help sellers provide great service for their buyers. We provide sellers with service metrics and peer benchmarks so that they can see how they are performing compared to other sellers who sell similar items.

You can see your personalized service metrics on your Service metrics dashboard in Seller Hub. Please read our full policy below for additional information about service metrics and peer benchmarks.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are service metrics and peer benchmarks?

Service metrics provide you with data on the percentage of your transactions that result in ‘item not as described’ return requests and ‘item not received’ requests from buyers. Peer benchmarks are an indicator of how you are doing in these areas compared to other sellers who sell similar items.

How often does 4Bike calculate these metrics?

Service metrics are evaluated on the 20th of each month.

  • Sellers with 400 or more transactions during the last 3 months: You’re evaluated on your transactions during the previous 3-month period
  • Sellers with fewer than 400 transactions during the last 3 months: You’re evaluated on your transactions over the previous 12-month period

What happens if I’m not performing as well as my peers?

Sellers who have an evaluation rate as Very High (meaning a very high percentage of transactions result in ‘item not as described’ return requests and ‘item not received’ requests) might be subject to increased final value fees or time automatically added to delivery estimates.

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