Remote Work Policy:

Please read the terms and conditions below, fill in the remote employee form, and return it to the head of your department.


This document contains the terms and conditions for working remotely. It should act as a guide for both management and the employee and must be signed by the employee to acknowledge they read through and understood the details herein.

Terms and Conditions:

1. Eligibility.

An employee may be eligible to work remotely if their duties can be met through basic hardware and software, they’ve proven to be trustworthy, disciplined, and self-motivated, and have been given permission by the company.

Employees in roles that do not suit remote working conditions can apply for work-from-home permission for a few days a year.

2. Rules and other company policies.

While working remotely, employees must adhere to all the conditions in the Employee Handbook. All company policies around conduct, confidentiality, sick leave, etc., continue to apply, regardless of location.

Disciplinary actions will follow policy transgressions of any kind.

3. Work expectations.

Employees must follow the work schedules provided to them, be sure to meet deadlines, uphold high-quality standards, and submit daily reports. And while some flexibility is allowed, the employee must agree to work set hours as much as possible, five days a week.

Tools will be made available to employees for managing time and tasks, communicating with co-workers, logging and tracking projects, and accessing resources.

The performance will be measured weekly, focusing on the same metrics that apply to work done in the office.

4. Communication.

Employees are to be online and accessible for 8 hours, Monday to Friday. They are expected to check in with their managers at least once a day.

Any correspondence from a co-worker or client must be answered as quickly as possible.

Tools have been provided for communicating with team members and collaborating on projects. Meetings will be scheduled at least once a week. Times are to be discussed and agreed upon between the employee and the manager.

5. Insurance and liability.

Employees working remotely will still receive full company benefits, including health insurance and worker’s compensation.

Employees are advised to choose a safe and secure location to work from and to maintain high levels of safety. The company is liable for injuries suffered in the pre-defined workspace during work hours only.

Only equipment owned by the company and on loan to the employee is covered by the company’s chosen insurer. All other equipment is to be covered by the employee’s personal insurance provider.

6. Security.

As per the Employee Handbook and the confidentiality agreement signed by the employee upon employment, securing data and company information should be of utmost concern. Any breaches in security protocol will lead to strict and swift disciplinary action.

Employees will be given access to a Virtual Private Network to secure connections with company servers and networks. The VPN must be used at all times during work hours. Under no circumstances may the VPN be used outside of work hours.

Cybersecurity measures have been put in place, and the software will be made available.

7. Compensation.

No changes will be made to an employee’s salary if said employee works from home, full-time. Salaries will increase according to company policy and successful performance reviews. Employees working remotely remain eligible for promotion and skills development programs.

The company will also reimburse the employee for electrical and internet costs if the employee follows the correct protocol for reimbursements.

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