If your item hasn’t arrived yet, the first thing to do is check the delivery information. You can find your item’s delivery information by selecting it from your recent purchases above, or in your purchase history. In the delivery information, you can:
Check with a neighbor in case you weren’t home when the package arrived and they took delivery of it for you.
If the estimated delivery date for your item has passed, and you still haven’t received your item, let the seller know. To get started, select the item that’s not arrived above, or follow these steps:
Report an item that hasn’t arrived
You have 30 days from the estimated delivery date to inform the seller that you didn’t receive your item. Once you’ve told them there’s a problem, the seller has 3 business days to provide a delivery update, offer a replacement, or give you a refund. Note that not all sellers offer replacements.
Once you’ve let the seller know, you can check on the status of your request at any time.
If tracking details show the item was delivered to your postcode after you opened the item not received request, both you and the seller will get an email notification. Your request will then close automatically within 24 hours. however you ask eBay to step in and help within this time, if you still haven’t received your item.
If the seller offers to give you your money back, they have 2Â business days to issue your refund. When they do, you’ll receive an email letting you know.
It usually takes 3 to 5 business days for a PayPal refund to go through. If you paid with a credit card, it may take up to 30 days to process, depending on your card provider.
It’s possible that your item may still arrive after you’ve been issued a refund. If this happens, you should get in touch with the seller and try to reach an agreement on what to do next. You can choose to either:
Most of the time, if your item hasn’t arrived, the seller will resolve your issue for you. However, if the seller hasn’t been able to resolve your problem after 3 business days, we’re always ready to step in and help.
Learn more about asking 4bike for help.
If your item arrives, you can choose to cancel your case. Here’s how to cancel a case:
It’s important to make sure you’re certain you want to cancel a case, as you won’t be able to re-open it once it’s been closed.